Sunday, September 24, 2006

Whats up with the rage?

Why are we getting angrier with each passing day?
Quite simply because of the mismatch between our expectations and our actual achievements. Expectations obviously have undergone a complete metamorphosis from being the simple and principled thoughts and desires that our elders had, to the materialistic and complex yardsticks that have been thrust upon us by this consumerist world. Sadly, most of us are not able to look beyond the clichéd milestones that almost define the level of success one has achieved in life. The kind of car, the kind of cell phone, the residence address, the brands, I don’t think most of today's generation (generation for me includes everyone born post 1970) understand the real meaning of contentment. These materialistic yardsticks as always keep on moving upwards what with the lifestyles of the rich and famous being splashed and covered on the major channels as if that’s the real meaning of being successful. Sadly, the rich and famous are also continuously being replaced by the more rich and more famous.
Its really sad to see the recent reports highlighting the ever increasing poverty gap. It definitely bursts the Shining India Bubble. Why the bubble because, on one hand only the rich are getting richer and the poor continue to be poor or probably are getting poorer, on the other hand there are numerous reports that the supposed aggressive growth rates that are causing the markets to artificially rise and rob the small investors of their life savings, only exist on paper.

My first Post!!!!!

Blogging is something i wanted to do from a long time but never really could get my lazy rear to get moving and do something about that strong desire to speak out and share my thoughts and views with the rest of the world.

Lets see how far this goes but surely it feels so cathartic while publishing a post about all the things that this crazy and lovable city makes you go through.
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