Sunday, October 22, 2006

My Pet Peeves!!!!

This is something that is always a source of a lot of irritation and frustration to the person experiencing it and a lot of times is either of no consequence or a source of humor for the others……….yes I’m talking about Pet Peeves that all of us have……………..

I certainly have some that I experience and observe in everyday life while traveling in local trains….walking on the road, visiting the malls, etc etc and im gonnna share them with you…… most of them annoy me but a lot of them humor me too……

PP:Here is one that really baffles me always….
why is it that when you go to a fast food outlet to buy your lunch or order coffee at any of the popular coffee outlets, they only give you one napkin. First they charge you a whopping amount for the coffee or the burgers that you might be orderering and , then they only give you one napkin. Where is the justice in that? Are Napkins that expensive that they cant afford to give us two or three? It really frustrates me when everytime you have ask them to give more………..
PP:This one I have never really understood, why do people always press the same button in lifts, even though it is quite evident that someone has already pressed that button. Favourites for this are the button to call the lift or to select a floor.
Even worse is when you see people pressing the button for going up even though they have to go down…and they would just continue pressing………stop it for god’s sake is what I feel like telling them…..
PP: Here is one that truly drove me up the wall. The other day I was standing in line to get a local train ticket for chruchgate. The queue was probably a km long. It was a sultry afternoon and everyone was dripping in sweat. Trying to be positive in this hopeless situation where my number was a good 20 minutes away, I thought to myself that at least the station is relatively more quiet today and noise levels are pretty low and that is such a solace. Little did I know that all that was supposed to change. Suddenly this alarm clock went off somewhere. You know the kind that we have at home to wake us up. Ttttt tat….tttttt tat….. and it just kept on going…….it just never stopped…..i tried my best to turn around and see where it was coming from but I just couldn’t figure it out. It went on and on and on… I think I almost lost my mental balance by the time I got the ticket. However hard I tried to ignore it…I failed…you know its not easy to ignore that tune coz you know that tune is associated with a stop to your nice sleep early in the morning and a disruption to your lovely dreams and a reminder that its time to go to work. The funny part is that not many other people showed any visible signs of discomfort. I thought to myself, maybe they knew where this sound is coming from.
Finally I got to the ticket counter and got my ticket and only a minute was left for my churchgate fast to arrive so I started rushing towards the overbridge and the sound just got louder and louder………… The moment finally arrived…as soon as I got on the overbridge…..there he was …a man selling alarm clocks and watches and to attract attention, this guy had just left the alarm on……….and he himself was sitting coolly with earphones plugged in and happily listening to radio…………
Can you believe that……..i mean is there any shortage of noise pollution in the city that you to add to it like this……. My train just arrived and unfortunately I had to abandon my strong desire to have a chat with this dude……coz I just had to get onboard the train…………….i wonder if im the only one who think like this……….. I hope someone else teaches him a lesson……….what do you guys think…….
PP:Here is another that annoys me and what follows humors me to an extent. It really annoys me when you see people trying to be smart and sneak up on someone standing close to the ticket counter and hand over a tenner to them and ask them to get the ticket for them. The worse are the ones who just shamelessly walk right upto the counter and try to get a ticket.
What humors me is the roar that ensues where everyone standing in the queue unites for once to drive the defaulter away……its funny and empowering in a weird way…im sure all of you have also experienced this at some point or the other. What is funny is to see some select few who take it upon them and rush to the front from back of line to stop these smart alecs from stealing the tickets when they have been standing in the line for hours………

PP:Here is another one that happened to me recently that first irrirated and then made me and my friends laugh. I just can not understand why there is no logic applied while implementing security procedures in malls, public placeds and office etc. I recently visited a popular mall and due to the heigheted security risks there was a lot of frisking and checking going on. There wa a sign saying that there are different queues for men and women. So I like any other obedient citizen followed the instructions and proceeded towards the men’s line. Just when I reached the security gate and was about to be very improperly frisked by the security guard standing there…I turned around and saw that there was no one to check the women and they were simply walking in………. I was shocked to see that and I promptly asked the guard why……he had no clue …so I refused to be groped by this guard in the name of security. Naturally the manager came out and I asked why the women are not being checked for carrying anything dangerous………guess what the reply was…you the women security guard’s shift got over and so there is no one checking the women…………..
How dumb can that be………….need I say more……

PP:Here is another one that really gets on my nerves…… Have you ever woken up in the morning or closed your windows coz you wouldn’t want to be entertained or more like irritained if that’s a word by Himesh or Backstreet boys…….well then you’re not the only one………. Almost every society has this variety ……… who like to blaze music out of their windows. I think and I might be wrong….that They play music more to show off than to listen to it because they want to. Sadly the obnoxious music marathon starts early in the morning when you would love to sit by the window and have a quiet cup of tea or coffee or in the evening when you would like to crawl up and read a nice book………..The really sad part is that they play the genuinely good songs again and again and those amazing melodies start hurting your ears after a while…….the one that’s really famous right now is the song from that movie…Bas Ek Pal…….its such an amazing melody but of late ive started hating it coz I end up hearing it like a hundred times during the day if im at home……….
If you have an occasional part then it’s alright ……or if you occasionally turn up the volume coz you like the song then it’s okay but not everyday for god’s sake……. Another version of this breed is the ones that love to play loud music in their cars…to attract attention……. Well and my friends call them public servants coz they are truly serving public by playing music……even though its truly obnoxious.

PP:Here is one that perplexes me…… come there is no actual division between the smoking and non smoking sections in a restaurant?? I mean the smoking and non smoking tables actually are so close that the division can hardly be called separate. I mean unless there are some hi tech, invisible smoke sucking devices that can make the smoke vanish there is no way that you can call the sections different………

PP:Here is what annoys me……I hate it when I see people spittin in public or worst…….i just cant understand how people just open the window of their car while driving at full speed and simply throw garbage out as if the road is just one big garbage bin and you can throw what ever you want……never mind if that half eaten sandwich hits the windscreen of the car coming behind…….

PP: Here is one that first perplexed me and then made me laugh…..i had gone for dinner with one of my friends to a purely vegetarian restaurant. The waiter came to take the order and I guess the poor guy is so used to asking the same questions again and again that he had stopped applying the basic listening skills and common sense that does really a lot in impressing the customers.
So when I finished ordering….the last question he asked me before he left the table was ……..Are you a Jain…. Meaning he wanted to find out if the chef had to abstain from adding onions, garlic etc…….. for a minute I was just stunned……you know why……..coz I had just ordered for an Onion Kulch and a Garlic Naan……. So I didn’t know whether to be irritated or laugh…….. so all I did was point to his small order notebook and say.. kulch…naan and he immediately got it and started giggling………so guesss… this one ended up making both of us laugh…………

We are talking Pet Peeves……while these are not necessarily Pet Peeves…these are questions that I haven’t been able to find answers to………
Why do we press harder on the buttons of a remote control when we know the batteries are dead?
Why is it that people say they "slept like a baby" when babies wake up like every two hours?
Why do people pay to go up tall buildings & then put money in binoculars to look at things on the ground?

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Whats up with the rage?

Why are we getting angrier with each passing day?
Quite simply because of the mismatch between our expectations and our actual achievements. Expectations obviously have undergone a complete metamorphosis from being the simple and principled thoughts and desires that our elders had, to the materialistic and complex yardsticks that have been thrust upon us by this consumerist world. Sadly, most of us are not able to look beyond the clichéd milestones that almost define the level of success one has achieved in life. The kind of car, the kind of cell phone, the residence address, the brands, I don’t think most of today's generation (generation for me includes everyone born post 1970) understand the real meaning of contentment. These materialistic yardsticks as always keep on moving upwards what with the lifestyles of the rich and famous being splashed and covered on the major channels as if that’s the real meaning of being successful. Sadly, the rich and famous are also continuously being replaced by the more rich and more famous.
Its really sad to see the recent reports highlighting the ever increasing poverty gap. It definitely bursts the Shining India Bubble. Why the bubble because, on one hand only the rich are getting richer and the poor continue to be poor or probably are getting poorer, on the other hand there are numerous reports that the supposed aggressive growth rates that are causing the markets to artificially rise and rob the small investors of their life savings, only exist on paper.

My first Post!!!!!

Blogging is something i wanted to do from a long time but never really could get my lazy rear to get moving and do something about that strong desire to speak out and share my thoughts and views with the rest of the world.

Lets see how far this goes but surely it feels so cathartic while publishing a post about all the things that this crazy and lovable city makes you go through.
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